A creative photo on the beach or a boring one from the office: choosing a pho...
A photo from a corporate event, a resort, or a passport photo - let's figure out which photo is best for a resume and why it is important when looking for a job.It would seem that a photo in a resume is a trifle, because the selection of candidates is based on professional knowledge and skills. But recruiters usually look through several dozen applications per day, and a photo in a resume is a good way to attract the attention of a specialist, win him over and form a complete opinion about yourself.
Does everyone need photos on their resume?
There are positions for which a person's appearance is important, such as consultants, presenters, PR managers, and heads of various departments. In this case, a resume image will additionally show how a specialist can present himself to people and will be a big plus for the candidate.
For line employees whose duties do not involve presentation skills, a photo on the application is not as important, but with an impersonal resume, the chances of getting a job are much lower.
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Which photo is better to choose?
A resume is a business document, which means the image on it should be official and of good quality. Here are some rules to help you take a suitable photo.
Neutral background - white wall, office space, workplace, nature. Avoid bright colors, random passers-by and other distracting elements.
A friendly facial expression - a slight smile, an social media marketing service open look, neatly tidied hair and discreet accessories.
Clothes appropriate for the job. An office worker should choose business-style clothes. For professions with a uniform, you can take a photo in work clothes.
Which photo definitely won't work?
The perception of the picture by the HR specialist and the applicant may differ greatly. For example, a designer decided to place a creative photo with Photoshop effects in the resume to show his expertise and involvement in the field of activity. For the recruiter, it is more important to see the person in the photo, and he will look at his achievements at work separately in the portfolio. Obviously, the opinions of these people did not coincide, as a result, the resume did not pass the initial selection.