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At the top of the marketing funnel









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limonhasanseo74 發表於 2024-3-9 19:25:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The sales funnel takes the leads approved by the marketing team and processes them based on the information they gain. This funnel has multiple stages, from first contact, phone calls, meetings, and more. All sales activities involve a negotiation process, diagnosis, preparation, advice, etc. Its sole goal is to convert potential customers conquered by marketing into effective customers. Sales Funnels also qualifies users through a lead scoring system. These two funnels go hand in hand. While sales needs marketing to create more qualified leads, marketing needs sales to know what type of content to create based on sales’s definition of buyer personas, not assumptions.

Check out our curated content to inspire you to generate more sales Bahamas WhatsApp Number for your business!  Sales skills: How to win customers?  How to deal with objections during sales?  Sales Presentation: Communication Skills with Prospective Customers  Skills needed for a Successful Sales Executive  Types of Sales: What types exist and how do they differ?  Sales process: how to structure it to produce reliable results  Marketing and sales: how to integrate them to generate more profits? Stages of the Marketing and Sales Funnel Now let’s talk about each stage of the two funnels, marketing and sales, so that you understand what they consist of and what is most recommended for each part.

Marketing Funnel Top of Funnel At the top of the marketing funnel, users are still in the discovery phase—that is, they are curious about a topic, but they don’t yet know what their problem is. Therefore, this stage is defined as the part that educates users and helps them discover what they don’t know. Some examples of content in this phase are: Blog posts Blog posts or basic material that answers the question: What, how, why Discovery phase that helps solve user problems, for example.


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