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The Major Types of Online Consumer Behavior









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FranceTelegramD 發表於 2024-3-11 13:35:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
By placing the registration field in the footer, it can also be found on every product or category page and users will automatically become aware of it when scrolling down. Best practice: 5 beautiful footers You may now be wondering how this should all be implemented in the footer. Isn't there a danger that all of the above elements are too much of a good thing and bloat the footer unnecessarily? So that you can see what successful footers can look like in practice, I have finally picked out 5 great examples. Maybe there will be some inspiration for you! Juniqe Bottom of page in the online shop Junique With Junique.

I really like the way the footer is divided. Even though this footer contains a lot of elements, it look France Telegram Number Data ely structured. Since black and white dominates, colored icons such as the Trusted Shops symbol come into their own. The “sticker” that points to the 5 euro voucher for newsletter subscribers cleverly draws attention to the registration field. However, I only noticed the links to the social networks at second glance - due to the lack of conspicuous icons. Donkey Footer by Donkey The Donkey gift shop highlights important things in red, drawing attention to its unique selling points, but also to signing up for the newsletter.  

The shop's logo is reflected in the footer with the red donkey, which represents the logo of the Donkey logo. As mentioned above, I like that Donkey point out their awards and thus generate additional trust.  bar that closes the footer is ideal: I almost missed it. The social icons on the shop's Facebook and Pinterest presence are so inconspicuous that you get the feeling that followers aren't even wanted. Books.de Footer from Buecher.de The footer of Buecher.de is clearly structured and contains all the important elements. The social icons immediately catch the eye.


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