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According to Yahoo News the Temu









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Josna999 發表於 2024-3-12 14:15:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
With you here Partner Starting point classroom Ultimate verification To design Polyway Link Privacy Policy Instructions for Authors Feedback Help Center No public No public Video number Video number Links PM Product Manager Navigation Starting point classroom zhubajiecom Talent hotline Partner Cloud Form NetEase Yidun personal recommendation Umeng granary Entrepreneurship State daily report Brother Birds Notes MOOC Brands Qidian Classroom  Operation Pai  Granary Enterprise Micro Butler   Everyone is a Product Manager  Guangdong ICP No  Guangdong Public Security No Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License (Guangdong) No No Copyright  Shenzhen Julichuangxiang Information Technology Co LtdEveryone is a

product manager front page Training Courses Category browsing Activity Brazil WhatsApp Number Data lecture Q&A Corporate Training Fishing News search APP Register  Login Regarding the Japanese market what challenges does Temu need to address Yifan Finance focus on  comments views collections minutes Release your eyes put on your headphones and listen   Bside product managers need to conduct more indepth user interviews research and analysis while Cside product managers need more rapid user testing feedback and iterations In addition to the European and American markets Pinduoduos crossborder ecommerce platform Temu has begun to set its sights on the Japanese market So what challenges may Temu face when entering the Japanese market Lets take

a look at the authors analysis and dismantling in this article After spending nine months entering the North American and European markets Temu finally set its sights on the Japanese market which is physically closer  Japanese site was originally going to be launched on June However based on actual feedback In recent days its Japanese version of the website has been officially completed and a series of early promotions have been launched However for now Temu has not yet carried out largescale advertising activities in the Japanese market .


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