精靈神諭 1.7.10

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saifulislam17@g 發表於 2024-3-14 17:26:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Design Sprint, Google's methodology In any organization, business strategy is the most important thing. Agile methodologies have been implemented for a decade in order to improve processes that lead to an improved and quality product or service in which customers become increasingly important. As an example of innovation in business strategies we find Design Sprint, a Google methodology that is favoring professional profiles in the agile world. This methodology comes from Google Ventures, a service from the technology giant for the innovation and promotion of technological startups.

It is a process that lasts days in which the business ID Number List has to resolve all issues related to design, prototyping, and customer testing. The idea is that the work is prepared in sprint stages in which months of work can be reduced in a few weeks. Instead of waiting to launch a product to understand if the idea is good, the prototype provides the information beforehand to avoid possible mistakes. Why study Agile Project Management? In recent years, job offers related to positions that demand knowledge of Agile Management have doubled.

The average salary for these positions is around €, with a low level of competition, about candidates per offer, making it one of the most attractive positions on the current market according to the Infojobs report. The most in-demand jobs in the Agile sector Agile coach  for workers to achieve the set objectives. If you are interested in learning more about this position, visit this article about the role of the Agile Coach . Scrum Master  Top person responsible for the development of an agile Project. His functions include team leadership, controlling the quality of work and organizing the different teams. You can find more information here about the duties of a scrum master .


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